When we are in a Job interview setting, the atmosphere is too intense that sometimes we answer interview questions with our personal issues. Remember, managers are hiring people to take care of issues within the company, never beg for a job. Always present yourself as a problem solver not someone who needs a job to solve their own problems. Limit your conversation to the professional side of things - what can you contribute to the company and how you would be an asset to the company.
Managers don’t need to know about your financial or relationship issues or legal battles. Never ever go into your political views, steer away from this topic as much as possible. Limit manageable commitments too so that it might not look like you are consuming too much of your energy into your hobbies or volunteer work, it’s always nice to share your hobbies but make sure that it is manageable outside of your work schedule without any special limitation that would affect your job. Don’t complain about your former bosses, resist any urge to bad mouth or criticize your previous employer. These things are easier said than done but when the interview atmosphere sets in, it’s easy to fall victim into the personal category. What can you do to avoid it? Always prepare. See the other articles on this page for more information or you may go to http://callcenteragent101.blogspot.com for the archives of the articles.