Monday, September 18, 2017

Don’t make it too personal

When we are in a Job interview setting, the atmosphere is too intense that sometimes we answer interview questions with our personal issues. Remember, managers are hiring people to take care of issues within the company, never beg for a job. Always present yourself as a problem solver not someone who needs a job to solve their own problems. Limit your conversation to the professional side of things - what can you contribute to the company and how you would be an asset to the company.

Managers don’t need to know about your financial or relationship issues or legal battles. Never ever go into your political views, steer away from this topic as much as possible. Limit manageable commitments too so that it might not look like you are consuming too much of your energy into your hobbies or volunteer work, it’s always nice to share your hobbies but make sure that it is manageable outside of your work schedule without any special limitation that would affect your job. Don’t complain about your former bosses, resist any urge to bad mouth or criticize your previous employer. These things are easier said than done but when the interview atmosphere sets in, it’s easy to fall victim into the personal category. What can you do to avoid it? Always prepare. See the other articles on this page for more information or you may go to for the archives of the articles.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Improve your Diction with these Exercises

Start slowly and carefully. Make sure that the start and end of each word is crisp. Repeat the phrase, getting faster and faster while maintaining clarity. If you make a mistake, stop and start again.

Diction Exercises for 'B' words:

Betty bought a bit of butter,but she found the butter bitter, so Betty bought a bit of better butter to make the bitter butter better.

Bill had a billboard.Bill also had a board bill.The board bill bored Bill,So Bill sold his billboardAnd paid his board bill.Then the board billNo longer bored Bill,But though he had no board bill,Neither did he have his billboard!

For 'D' words try:

Did Doug dig David's garden or did David dig Doug's garden?

Do drop in at the Dewdrop Inn Diction

Exercises for 'F' words:

Four furious friends fought for the phone Five flippant Frenchmen fly from France for fashions

For 'H' words try:

How was Harry hastened so hurriedly from the hunt?

In Hertford,Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen Diction

Exercises for 'J' words:

James just jostled Jean gently.

Jack the jailbird jacked a jeep.

Diction Exercises for 'K' words:

Kiss her quick, kiss her quicker, kiss her quickest.

My cutlery cuts keenly and cleanly.

Diction Exercises for 'L' words:

Larry sent the latter a letter later.

Lucy lingered, looking longingly for her lost lap-dog.

Diction Exercise for 'N' and 'U' sounds:

You know New York,You need New York,You know you need unique New York.

Diction Exercises for 'P' words:

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.If Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where's the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?

Pearls, please, pretty Penelope,Pretty Penelope, pretty Penelope,Pearls, please, pretty Penelope,Pretty Penelope Pring.

For 'Q' words: 

Quick kiss. Quicker kiss. Quickest kiss. Quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly...

For 'R' words: 

Round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran. Reading and writing are richly rewarding.

Exercises for 'S' words:

Six thick thistle sticks Theophilus Thistler, the thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb.

The shrewd shrew sold Sarah seven sliver fish slices.

Sister Susie sat on the sea shore sewing shirts for sailors.

Moses supposes his toeses are roses,But Moses supposes erroneously, For nobody's toeses are posies of roses as Moses supposes his toeses to be. (Pronounce the word 'toeses' to rhyme with 'Moses'.)

For 'T' words: 

Ten tame tadpoles tucked tightly in a thin tall tin. Two toads, totally tired, trying to trot to Tewkesbury.

For 'V' words: 

Vincent vowed vengeance very vehemently.

Vera valued the valley violets.

And lastly, two especially for your tongue:

Red leather, yellow leather... Red lorry, yellow lorry... And then, one more for good measure! pirate with spyglass

Job Interview Tip: Research the Company

Research the company. Use all the online resources at your disposal - Facebook, Google, Linked-in, Jobstreet,Twitter, Instragram, etc. The beauty nowadays is that everything is online and information is free. The information that you need for the company that you are applying in would probably be in their website or in their Facebook page and could easily be verified by doing a simple Google search.

In an interview, preparation is vital and part of that is knowing the company’s profile inside out. This would also give you an insight on the work environment, set your expectations about the company’s management and direction and verify if the company is really for you. What would be the downside if you failed to do this?

Just imagine being asked the question why do you want to work for this company and you can’t answer it, it would automatically mark you as someone who is just interested to get a job but not interested in getting a job for that specific company. What’s the difference? In an employer’s point of view, if you are just an applicant trying to get a job, they would not have any reassurance that you would stay and perform your duties as expected, unlike someone who is driven to succeed because they are really interested to be in that company.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Tips on Passing Versant

Like most of the other articles on this page, we would like to advise the readers that these tips are based mostly on our experience. We do not guarantee the pass or fail rate on these tips as it would still depend on your preparation as an applicant.

We will no longer go into the details as to what versant is and what it does. We will just give you an overview on what happens during the exam itself. Once your name is called for the Versant exam, you will be assigned a computer to work with, a headset and a set of instructions on what to do. Listen to the instructions carefully and do not hesitate to ask questions, if you start the exam and your headset is not working, advise the recruitment officer right away, you will fail Versant if your headset is not working.

Okay now let’s walk you through the exam – before taking Versant, please always keep in mind that, there’s no right or wrong answer. No one audits or evaluates the recording in Versant, it’s purely a machine based assessment, keep calm, relax and just have fun. Most of the time, applicants fail on the Question and Answer portion of the exam, let’s break down the reason why this is happening but first let’s look at this sample evaluation answer from Versant:

Versant: "What is your greatest achievement?"
Sample Answer: "My greatest achievement is when I was able to graduate from my five year course because studying for five years is tough... That is my greatest achievement.. 10..9..8...7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. (note to readers: yes, your eyes does not deceive you that is a countdown).

Simple answer right? There are fragmented grammars here and there too and of course, there’s that countdown where we will provide an explanation later on. If this was a live interview, you would have failed already, but again, there’s no right or wrong answer and a machine will just evaluate you so first things first, you would need to make sure that your voice is clear. Not too loud and not too soft, believe it or not, the applicant who made that answer in Versant passed the exam.

What are the most common reasons why applicants fail Versant?

1. The voice is not clear enough, either the voice is too soft or it’s too loud. Coughing during versant is also a markdown based on the Versant system, it would be best to cough it out first before talking. There’s also a part in Versant wherein you would have to repeat the recorded voice. Again, your voice should be clear enough - slow down, don’t rush it, there’s no need to repeat the whole recording, as long as you’re talking in a clear way, you will pass it. Most of the applicants who passed the exam are using a monotonous tone, like they just woke up, just remember that Versant is not an accent exam - just keep your voice clear enough for the machine to hear it.

2. The answer did not reach the time allotted by Versant. The rule of versant is, when you hear the beeping sound, you should start talking and you must end your answer after the ‘beep’. Most of the applicants who failed the exam just answered with a short sentence and waited for the ‘beep’ in silence, the key to passing the exam is to prolong your answer. Let’s go back to the previous example, remember the countdown? You can either count from 1 to 10 or from 10 to 1 or up to 100 as long as you can prolong your answer up to the beeping sound. The most important thing to remember is that as long as you have a good first sentence, you can either count, cite poetries or lyrics as long as you don’t sing it. You can even pray - whichever is more comfortable for you. Again, you must prolong your answer up until the beeping sound.

Let’s break down the Versant process. This was during our time, some parts of the exam might have already changed but the system is still the same. Just keep in mind the things that were discussed above and you should be able to pass it.

Versant Exam Overview – Below is the exact workflow of the Versant exam. Just imagine you are wearing a headset and you are hearing these instructions from your headset.

REMINDER: The test begins when you say your name. If you hang up before you complete the test, the test cannot be graded. You cannot reuse the Test Identification Number.

Test Identification Number (TIN)
Call: 1-415-738-3800
Expires: January 1, 2012

Note: these will be provided by the recruitment officer. AGAIN, listen to the instructions carefully before taking the exam.

Thank you for calling the Versant testing system.
Please enter your Test Identification Number on the telephone keypad.
Now, please say your name. Now, please say the city and country you are calling from.
Now, please follow the instructions for Parts A through F.


A. Reading Please read the sentences as you are instructed.

1. Traffic is a huge problem in Southern California.
2. The endless city has no coherent mass transit system.
3. Sharing rides was going to be the solution to rush-hour traffic.
4. Most people still want to drive their own cars, though.
5. Larry's next door neighbors are awful.
6. They play loud music all night when he's trying to sleep.
7. If he tells them to stop, they just turn it up louder.
8. He wants to move out of that neighborhood.
9. My aunt recently rescued a dog that was sick.
10. She brought her home and named her Margaret.
11. They weren't sure she was going to live, but now she's healthy.
12. I just wish she could get along better with their cat.

B. Please repeat each sentence that you hear.

Example: a voice says, "Leave town on the next train."
and you say, "Leave town on the next train."

C. Please give a simple answer to the questions.

Example: a voice says, "Would you get water from a bottle or a newspaper?"
and you say, "a bottle" or "from a bottle".

D. Please rearrange the word groups into a sentence.

Example: a voice says, "was reading" ... "my mother" ... "her favorite magazine"
and you say, "My mother was reading her favorite magazine."

E. Story Retelling

You will hear three brief stories. Each story will be spoken once, followed by a beep. When you hear the beep, you will have 30 seconds to retell the story in English. Try to retell as much of the story as you can, including the situation, characters, actions, and ending. You will hear another beep at the end of the 30 seconds.

F. Open Questions

You will hear two questions about family life or personal choices. Each question will be spoken twice, followed by a beep. When you hear the beep, you will have 40 seconds to answer the question. You will hear another beep at the end of the 40 seconds. Thank you for completing the test.

Challenge your status quo

“Complaining about your current position in life is worthless. Have a spine and do something about it instead.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Did you fail your last application? Have you given up and just surrendered yourself to the status quo of your current situation - A life of constant complaint about how you’re not earning enough for you and your family? The choice of a better future is yours and yours alone, do you have the guts and the courage to challenge your status quo?
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