Virtually every person has the jitters before a job interview. A job interview is the place to showcase all the good qualities a person has to bring and why he or she is the best one suited for the position. Failure to present these qualities can cost you the job. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help calm your nerves during your job interview so all of your best qualities shine through.
Be prepared. Research your prospective employer and job duties. Be prepared for questions the interviewer will have for you, and rehearse them, you may click this link for the typical Job Interview Question and Answers. This will help you feel the confidence you will need to overcome your nervousness. Anticipate questions the interviewer may have for you, and have answers to them prepared before you go in to the interview.
Take it easy. Be prepared to answer questions, but also try to relax. Remember that the interviewer is simply trying to get to know you better. Most of the questions he or she will ask you are not to see if you have the correct answer or not, but rather to try to get a feel for your personality. How well an employee interacts socially is extremely important especially in the Call Center industry. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed the interview will be and this would be a plus on your end.
Visualize yourself doing well. Visualization is a powerful tool used by many prominent business people, motivational speakers and athletes. It's like a rehearsal for the mind, and many studies have proven that rehearsing in the mind is as effective for success as actually doing it in reality. Picture yourself comfortable, bright, having a good time and answering all questions with ease. Also imagine the interviewer, or anyone else present, responding favorably to you. Envision the handshake at the end and the feeling that you already have the job before you leave the interview.
Practice deep breathing. Right before your job interview, one great way to calm your nerves is to take some deep breaths. Physiological studies have shown that taking a few deep breaths instantly puts the body at ease, slows the heart rate, and lowers your blood pressure.
Make sure to arrive 10 minutes early so you have time to gather yourself and apply some of these principles before you go into your job interview. Keep in mind, one of the best tips for calming nerves and having confidence when on a job interview is to treat the interview as if it were a conversation between friends, not as if your life depended on getting the job. This will take the enormous pressure off you which will stifle your confidence, remember, be prepared and confident and you will land that job.